Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy 40th Birthday To My Hubby!

Yes Trev is a New Years baby. 40 years ago he came into this world. And about 17-18 years ago into my life. In 4 days it will be our 11 year Anniversary (Jan 4). And I have to say that we are a happy married couple. (although building a house is stressful) and we still have a few spats. But nothing serious. So I would say we are pretty lucky.

So I have supper all ready for him.....and the truck is not moving any faster than 40km. Something is wrong with it. He tried to book it in this morning but they weren't able to. And this problem wasn't even there this morning. Otherwise he would of taken another vehicle. Oh well me and the kids will just wait. Tyson has decorated the house with a streamer and some balloons. He loves birthdays. '

Tonight we are staying home. With everyone in the family getting over a cold, and Trev just got it a few days ago. The kids are all quite tired and grumpy for some reason (well at this moment they are playing nicely). But a half hour ago everyone was screaming and crying for something. So I can't see them staying up very late tonight.

I should go, Happy New Years Everyone! May you ring in the New Year safely. Take care!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom!

Oh it was mom's birthday yesterday. That is why we waited to leave so we could spend the day with her. She turned 65! I took Tyson out and he picked out some pretty artificial flowers and a vase and a pair of socks. He was quite proud of himself. And she liked the gifts.

Happy Birthday Mom We Love You!

We're Back

Well we got back from Saskatoon last night. I have sick kids. Tyson is still coughing alot, but feeling a bit better. Madison started getting fevers yesterday and the cough. Jordan has the cough. I still have a bit of a cough. So yes we are a healthy bunch aren't we. My sister said so the Lee's leave and I will get sick. (joking). I told her to spray the house down with Lysol and wipe everything down. I hope they don't get sick.

We had a nice, but busy christmas. Because of the dog being sick we didn't open gifts till 3pm. But the kids were fine with that. Me and my sister in law took the kids outside to play and for a walk. It was so nice out. Then we finally opened gifts and the kids were thrilled. They loved all the gifts.

I got new slippers from mom which are so cozy. A mommy mug and Trev gave me earings and a necklace but I'm returning them because they are too fancy for me. (I'm not being ungrateful just they aren't me I'd rather spend the money on my room in the new house). And I can't think of what else off hand what I got. But doesn't matter the kids had a nice xmas and that is what counts. All 3 kids got new bedding for their new upcoming bedrooms. Tyson was happy about all the Harley Davidson stuff he got. And Madison got Tinkerbell and Jordan got the 3 enchanted princess's. I can't wait to do their rooms.

So we drove back last night. We ran into fog after Lloyd and it was scary. But luckily that only lasted a half hour or so. We got in about 10:30pm. Got the kids to bed after 11pm. And I hit the pillow around midnight. Now I need to do laundry. And upack everything. Next year we will be in our new home so everyone is coming here. That will be nice! Well I'm off to do some cleaning.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day

wow another christmas come and gone. What a long day. We got to my sisters last night at 11:30 and didn't get to bed till after 1am. We all slept in thank goodness. But Tyson woke up with a fever and he had a bad cough yesterday and it was worse today. Then my sisters dog was sick during the night with diareha and throwing up so she was up at 4am cleaning that up.

Well I am not going to be able to finish this right now. Jordan is being difficult. All the kids are tired and a little grumpy. I will blog more tomorrow.

Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you all had a great day with family and friends.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

I drove a skidoo!

Yes for the first time ever, it was cool, scarey and exciting.....and cold. I didn't go very far, it was very dark out and I think that is why I was a little freaked out. Our acreage is right by Cooking Lake so we have a trail that we can take right to it. Going right on the lake also freaked me out a bit (I know it is frozen but still). All the kids went for rides and loved it.

So Trev's sister her husband and kids are here till the 24th. So it will be not stop till who knows when. (I am not complaining) But I am so exhausted from this past week. I'm just waiting for Jordan to have her snack then we are going to bed. We actually slept in this morning till 8:30 this morning oh that was a treat.

Well I am going to hit the hay pretty quick, good night all.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Long Day

I don't know how I am still awake. I am beyond tired. The kids were up at 5am. And they refused to go back to bed. Yes all 3 of them! So I put a movie on and layed down. I dozed off and on till 7am. Trev came and got me up because I needed to shower and be ready to leave the house before 9.

Breakfast at Tyson's classroom was wonderful. The teacher has this every year and her husband comes in and cooks up sausages and pancakes. It was so good. I stayed for a hour and a half then off I went to do errands for Trev. Had to pick up perscription from Walmart (for my cold) then headed home and get ready for the funeral.

Trev, his parents and I went. It was a small nice service. I just felt bad that I never got a chance to see her last week, and feel so bad for her husband. Then all my emotions came up from when dad passed.....well lets say I'm glad that I had kleenix in my pocket.

I got home at 3 and visited with my girlfriend (who graciously came to babysit for me all day) and her little guy. I am truly blessed that I have a friend like her. She started out working for me (respite) over 2 years ago I believe and she became part of this family. She's been through alot with my family and she is so appreciated for all that she has done. Amber we love you!

Well its after 5 and I need to find something for supper. I'm just so tired. A few more hours and I hope to be in bed!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Exhaustion is settling in....

Well here I sit at 4pm, head pounding, not feeling all that great. The kids are kind of playing nicely. But not quietly. I tried laying down but resting in this house is impossible.

So my day started at 5am to Jordan feeling crappy, she couldn't breath cause her nose was plugged. Trev was getting up at 5:30 so he let her hang out with him. I managed to fall back to sleep for about an hour. Then got Tyson ready for school, off to school. Then I had to get the girls dressed to go to Alberts (not smittys) for breakfast. Oh my there were alot of screaming kids. Breakfast actually sucked. The girls ate a pancake each. There was so much going on that they weren't interested in eating.

Then we went for the traditional "mall walk". Then we ran to Zellers to say hi to Grandma she was working. Then we got home at 11:30 I tried to lay down for a few minutes. But didn't go well. Then the hour flew bye to fast. We got to the school at 12:28. Madison was suppose to be there a few minutes before that. Oh well. Then Jordan and I went and sat.

Madison did well. She actually put on a show for everyone. She was trying to jump up to the microphone to be heard while singing. It was funny. Then after the program the kids got to hang around and do crafts and eat snacks. We got home at 2pm.

The house is a total disaster. And I'm so tired, haven't wrapped presents yet. Tomorrow another full day. Breakfast with Tyson, then run downtown to pick up something for Trev for work. Then go to a funeral at 2. Our neighbor passed. (did I post that yesterday?) Anyways, I am expecting the sitter, she is stopping by to see the kids and she has something for them. She will be here shortly.

Oh I want to go to bed. But that ain't going to happen. Oh well I'm off and running.....again.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tuesdays Ramblings

I'm exhausted and its only 10am. I went shopping last night to try and finish up. I think I'm done, sure hope so. Now I need to find the time and wrap presents.

I went to the dr yesterday for my yearly checkup. Yeh that was fun. But it was very peaceful. The office was pretty quiet so I just sat and relaxed it was a nice break believe it or not. Anyways I get to go for a mamogram next month. Because I'm in my 40's she thought it would be a good idea. So I get to get my boobs squashed. lol I'm sitting here laughing, its the exhaustion setting in my mind.

So after my appt I headed to Ikea. Oh I love that store. Found some cool things. Can't list any in case some certain readers see this. (if you know what I mean). Then I went to Micheals, wow they sure have alot of sales. I ran into Best Buy what a zoo. I was only there for a few minutes.

Then headed back to the Park. Went to Walmart, Zoo there as well. And it was about 8:00. Realized I hadn't eaten yet so ran in to Mcdonalds for a quick bite. Then got a few things I needed like milk, eggs, cat food, and some stuff I didn't need lol. Then it was about 9:45 got in line and stood there for a good 20 minutes. Had the slowest cashier but she was very chipper for being at work at 10 at night. So that made up for the wait. Got home 10:15pm. Unloaded most of the van but had to hide some stuff in the van in case Trev came to help. Which he didn't cause he was fast asleep on the couch. So I watched tv for a half hour to wind down and went to bed. Slept not bad.

So I think I should get my butt in gear and do something. Like cleaning the house (groan) that is a never ending battle. No room for anything. Trev just wants to back the truck up and chuck everything. eeeeek not a good thing. I can't wait to be in a house that is big enough for our stuff. (and its only basic stuff). But I do need to donate alot of toys. Kids are getting bigger and don't play with alot of the toys. Ok ok I'm going now. Chow

Feeling a bit better today but still not a 100%. I hope to be by Friday. Cause we have a busy weekend coming up. Actually this week is insane. Tonight is Tyson's xmas concert. Tomorrow is Breakfast With Santa (for Jordan) so we go to Smitty's in the morning. Then I have breakfast with Tyson at school in his class. The parents come and have a pancake breakfast with the kids. Friday my sister in law and family come in sometime.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Tyson turns 7 today

Well my first born is now 7 years old. Hard to believe. We had his birthday party yesterday at the Sherwood Bowl. He had a blast! And so did the other 12 kids that were there. But the kids were all good. I had one mom stay (she was such a great help) and my hubby, and 2 other dads. (they work with Trev). We had 3 lanes and the kids really enjoyed themselves. We bowled for a hour. Then headed to the party room and had pizza and pop. Then we sang happy birthday, then we were told that we had to be out of the room "by 2:30" so we got the kids to eat their cake while Tyson started opening gifts. My goodness did he get alot of stuff. A webkin, remote control truck, remote control helicopter, some kind of transformer, Mac the truck and some cars with it, another car that drives on its own and talks. Another small car that has a remote (but we told him to save that till today to play with). Oh and another semi truck that opens up. And I bought him Lightning McQueen and Mater. I think I got it all.

Oh but we had one tiny little incident just as we were getting the kids all ready to leave. The fire alarm suddenly went off. And I look to my right and there's sweet little Jordan (my youngest) SHE PULLED IT!! I was horrified and I yelled to Trev....Jordan did that. My child did that. OMG I was totally freaked out. Then the staff had to make an anouncement that is was a false alarm, call the fire dept, and then somebody was trying to shut it off. We think it was a off duty fireman. But the staff had no idea what to do, the first thing he brought the guy was a screw driver. He said no I need a key. So he grabbed something else, wrong one. Finally they found the right key they needed. Meanwhile I'm holding Jordan who is sobbing and saying sorry and I'm scared. Poor kid. And me mouthing to everyone "I"M SORRY"! We left the bowling alley with a bang ha ha ha.

Other than that it was a nice afternoon. Tyson played all afternoon, had a heck of a time to get him to stop and eat supper, then had a hard time winding him down for bedtime. So his grandparents will give him his gift today so he has something on his actual birthday.

I'm still a bit ill, and now I think the girls are catching a cold. Great right before xmas. What can ya do. Gotta go, chow.

Friday, December 14, 2007

I'm Sick

Yes its true. I was feeling really bad last night. Sore throat, head hurt, had the chills. I slept not bad but sure felt awful this morning. Got Tyson and Madison off to school and crashed on the couch for awhile. Took some Advil sinus and cold stuff and feeling abit better. And drinking my tea that helps my throat. I have so much stuff to do I can't afford to get sick.

Yesterday I had a dear friend come and watch the kids so I could go and get stuff for Tyson's birthday party on Sunday. I got the cake ordered, picked stuff for the loot bags for the kids and some other goodies for the party. We are having the party at Sherwood Bowl. We did this last year and it was great. The kids loved it. Our house is way to small (well this house is) to have a party. I just hope I will be ok by Sunday. (we are having 13 kids). Tyson's actual birth date is Monday the 17th. He will be 7 years old. Wow time flies.

I'm also not ready for xmas. I need to wrap gifts and see what I have. We aren't buying the kids as much this year because of the house. (But believe me they aren't deprived in any way as far as toys go). In fact they have way too much. I will be weeding that stuff as I pack.

Oh the drugs are kicking in feeling a bit cloudy. I think I will rest. I have 15 mins before Madison gets home.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Feelin Yucky

I woke up with a really bad sinus headache this morning. I think its starting to go away. But rough morning. Madison slept in and refused to get out of bed. It takes Tyson forever to eat his breakfast (drives me insane). And Jordan was just pestering her sister just so I can hear the piercing screams of a 5 year old. Now its all quiet. I put a Barbie movie on for Jordan just so I can sit and try to relax to get rid of this headache.

So we have windows! Yes all the windows are done. So today is the last day for Trev and his guys to be out there. They have some back framing left to do. Next the electrician and plumber comes in this is either this week or next. I will have to go and take some pics today or tomorrow.

I found a really cool store her in Sherwood Park. Play & Learn on Baseline. If you have a girl to shop for this store has so many neat things. And dolls like I've never seen before. Very pretty. I spent $50 there. Mostly for Tyson since its his birthday on the 17th. We are having the b-day party on Sunday. Taking the kids bowling. I have no room in this house to have a party and we did this last year and Tyson loved it. (he's turning 7 wow).

And can I say I'm so not ready for christmas. Its sneaking up on me in the worst way this year! I still have some shopping to do. I've done no wrapping yet. (groan)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Who's Actually Reading My Blog?

I read just 2 other blogs of friends of mine. I'm just curious who is reading mine? If you are reading this, post a comment and say hi. Sometimes I see there are no comments I think hey is anybody out there? Getting a complex I guess lol. Anyways I was just wondering about this so I figured I'd post the question.

She cut her hair!!

On Friday I was at the computer and Jordan comes up to me and says "mommy I cut my staticky". I looked and and sure enough she had in her hand hair. About 5 inches long. I jumped up and I started saying no no noooooo. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. She had a small pony tail on each side of her head and it wasn't much but enough to notice. I said to her not to do that again. She just laughed.

My sister called me later that night wanting to know how her niece got ahold of scissors. Well they were on the table, but the kids have always been careful with them. Ok except this time. So this week I need to take her to get a trim and hopefully its not that noticeable. I have been keeping her hair back in a big pony tail.

The windows for our house go in tomorrow (I believe that is what Trev told me). Then the guys are done out there and the next step is the electrical and plumbing.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Something Strange Happened

Last night it was close to 10pm I heard a strange noise at the front door. It sounded like someone was trying to get in. So I looked out the window and this person was running away. I saw this person run next door to their back door. I yell to Trev that someone was trying to get in. He looked out the side window and saw the person running from our neighbors. I opened the front door and there was a xmas gift back hanging on the door knob. I was very confused and Trev was still trying to see where this person went, I told him it was a present. He looks at me and with a very confused look and says "what". So I pulled the tissue paper out and it was a small box of chocolates. (and not a cheap kind) We looked for a card or a note or anything for that matter.....nothing! We have no clue to who this person is. Couldn't even tell if it was a man or a women. (It was human lol).

So of course Trev opens the chocolates and starts eating them. I had 2 (such a no no at 10 at night). Very strange isn't it. So I will have to ask the neighbors around here and find out who all got a special treat from a secret Santa. I have to say I'm just baffled. But it sure is a nice way to start christmas.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Stupid Coldness!

Well the guys didn't get as much done as they hoped yesterday. Alot of the tools refused to work in this deep freeze we are going through at the moment. The compressor didn't want to start at all. They still got some work done and I can't blame the guys, just blame the weather. hello we are trying to build a house here......(don't ask me who I'm talking to, I'm just rambling on).

Monday, December 3, 2007

Our house

This is the house as of Saturday. Roof should hopefully be done by today.

One more try

Ok cross your fingers, the last one worked but I only did one pic just in case. gee whiz!

Didn't work!

Some updated pics

Here are a few pics I will do more later. This is from almost 2 weeks ago.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Fixing My Blog

I heard some of you weren't able to post a comment. Well try now and see if it works.

Oh its a cold one. I feel for the guys today. They are still working on the rafters. This coldness is hard on them and the equipment. This morning there is a crew out digging a trench for the gas line. I will call at lunch and see how its going out there.

I talked to mom. Not only did she go where its colder (this morning it was -35) she has to get use to the time change. They are a hour ahead of us. Being here for 3 weeks she was on our time. But she will manage fine. Jordan asked to go and pick mamma up this morning. She thinks we can just go back to the airport and get her.

I will take pics over the weekend and hopefully post some. I haven't been out to the acreage since last Saturday so I'm excited to go out and see the progress. The windows were delivered this week, as well as all the wiring and other stuff you need to wire a house. So exciting.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Mom's Already Home

Well her flight was only an hour so she's already home. Miss her already. Jordan was really upset when we were dropping her off at the airport. No mamma I neeeeeed you. How sad is that. Big tears, she loves grandma so much. But its less than 4 weeks before we see her again. We are going to Saskatoon for xmas so that will be nice.

The weather is bloody cold and the poor guys are freezing their butts off. Boy do I appreciate them! They had a tough day yesterday with the rafters. The wind made it more difficult for them. So not sure how far they'll get today or tomorrow since the weather has turned so cold. They hope to get the roof on, but not sure if its possible this week.

So mom and I went out and walked around the mall yesterday. Didn't want to go to far since it was so cold. It was nice. Just walked and talked. Well nothing else to report. Chow for now. Oh and stay warm everybody!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Sorry to the few that read my blog. I have been so busy these past few days. Mom leaves tomorrow so I'm trying to finish up some loose ends. I'm so grateful that she was here, for so many reasons. Well she's mom, that counts as one, she is an adult (adult conversation) playmate for the kids. (they love having mamma here to play). She has been a huge help to me. I just love her so much. And we got to have some outings together which was really nice. Today we have a few hours to go out. I enjoy that time the most.

So the house update. I haven't been out there since Saturday, but the 2nd floor was done. The front and back decks are done. And the rafters for the roof are going up today. I will have to try and go out there in the next day or so and take pics. And yes I know I haven't had a chance to download my other ones yet.

Thursday we have a guy digging a trench, a hydro something truck and a field rep from Atco gas. (Atco gas has a high pressure gas line that runs right through our property so someone has to be out there while the digging goes on). So that will be a busy day. And Friday we have a 500 gallon propane tank being delivered because our gas meter won't be put in for 4-6 weeks.

Well I have to run I'm waiting for a fax then I'm off. Dug out my longjohns to cold out there. I guess winter is here to stay.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Garage Walls Are UP!

Yes we have garage walls and tomorrow the house walls go up and maybe the floor for the 2nd floor will be done. Oh my goodness I just can't wait. Can you tell if I'm excited? lol Just a little huh.

Mom has been such a huge help! Trev called in a panic he needed some plans printed off the computer and brought out. So all of my other errands got put on hold till tomorrow. So I got out there just in time to help out with lunch. Made the guys some grilled cheese and warmed up some home made soup Trev made. So mom made supper for us tonight. That was so nice. I tell her all the time how much I appreciate her help.

Tyson was really upset once he found out that I was out there without him. So I promised him after school tomorrow I will take him out. (then I can take more pics) still haven't had time to down load more onto the computer. Soon. Well its way past my bedtime. 11:30 I better get my butt to bed. Nighty night all.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Been Busy

Well yesterday was Jordan's birthday. My youngest is now 4 years old. Wow I can't believe it. Although you ask her how old she is she will tell you something different. She already is arguing about her age.

We all went out to the acreage. Trev had to be out there by 8am they were pouring concrete for the piles. Then they put the floor on. OMG we have a floor. And the stairs to the basement went in. I'm vibrating as I type this I'm so excited. lol

Anyways, I had a friend Kelly and her daughter come out to visit. So we had cake and ice cream for Jordan. (I went to safeway for the cake and I saw Jane and Lloyd going in I said hi to Lloyd but Jane you weren't around sorry didn't have time to look for you).

Jordan opened her presents and loved everything. We didn't get her much only because xmas is in 5 weeks and I will be buying stuff for her bedroom. Haven't decided what theme to go with for hers yet.

We had family movie night last night. I bought the movie Ratatoui cute show. MIL was a little freaked about all the rats lol

I will have to post pics later still haven't had a chance to get them downloaded yet. Oh and can I say not impressed by the white stuff. Not ready for it only because we are building a house.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My kids

Here are the kids on picture day at school. In Sept. Jane I think I got it! (loading the pics lol)

Our Hole

So this is our hole. Isn't it great!

It's Already Wednesday....

Well I have had the kids home this week they had a little holiday from school. Alot of fighting, kicking, screaming. Oh I can't wait for our house to be built. More room to separate the kids. The girls are going through a stage that they fight alot. They thankfully go back to school tomorrow.

So due to the wind this week the guys haven't been able to finish their last job so hopefully today it will be done and they will start on our house tomorrow. Oh my, I am so anxious about it all. Trev and I went and looked at flooring on Tuesday and we are waiting for a quote on that. We decided on siding last night so he has to call it in.

Well gotta go and keep the peace. Tyson will be going out to the acreage with grandma and grandpa this afternoon. I don't want to take the girls out till the piles are poured on Saturday. Too many deep deep holes for them to fall into at the moment. So mom the girls and I will go for groceries later today. Get out of the house for a bit.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Girls Day Out

Well yesterday was a nice day. Tyson went with grandma and grandpa Lee out to the acreage and I had a sitter for the girls. So mom and I had 5 hours to ourselves. First we went to Micheals to look around. And I saw Jane! She was with her husband Lloyd shopping. We chatted for a few minutes, it was so nice to see her since I haven't seen her in years. But we communicate by email. And I read her blog everyday. She even blogged about our meeting and said I looked good. (well thank you but she looked fabulous!)

So after we left the store we went to Denny's for lunch. Then we went to Southgate. Mom hadn't been there in years and wanted to look around. So we went and she found some great deals at Northern Reflections. We were there for awhile then headed back to Sherwood Park. Stopped at Tims so mom could get her coffee and then I ran to video store and picked up a few movies for the girls and got one for mom and me. Georgia Rules it was a good show mom and I enjoyed it.

It was a very nice day. So glad I get to spend some quality time with mom. Today I think we will head out to the acreage after lunch mom hasn't seen the progress of the house yet. And the kids love being out there. The sky is blue so lets hope its a nice day. I sure hope the week will be good weather wise since Trev will be starting to frame the house. I should finish my tea Tyson should be home shortly, then the kids will go to church with grandma and grandpa. I have alot of paper work to do so I might start on that while they are gone. Bye for now.

Friday, November 9, 2007

What A Week!

I have been running around for days getting quotes, picking stuff up, dropping off stuff and picking out stuff. The basement was backfilled yesterday and Trev had to measure out for piles. Cement for that will be done next Saturday. (for some reason we only can get cement on Saturdays).

I believe the house will start to be framed Tues or Wed. Woo hoo. I can't wait. Its still hard to believe this is all happening. But the house is a total disaster. I think if I called the police to say I had a break-in they would totally believe me lol.

Well I have a bunch of calls to make (I had to wait till 9am) so I better get to it. The kids are good, ma is good and has been very helpful. I have a sitter tomorrow so I'm taking mom out for lunch. So that will be nice.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Poor Sleep Deprived Trev

Well the guys worked all day yesterday then had to go out to the acreage and work some more. They had to go out of town a 12 hour drive and came back late late Sunday night. They had to do the weeping tile last night and....something else I can't remember now. Anyways he didn't get home till 9pm. Then he passed out on the couch and I didn't talk to him till this morning. Poor guy is so tired its insane.

Today there will be a guy out at the acreage pouring gravel on top of the weeping tile. Then I believe backfill is done tomorrow. I'm thinking I might take the kids out there right after school to see what's been done and take some pictures. Its getting darker faster I tell ya. But they do have a yard light right at the house and many of those constructions lights as well. So thats good.

The girls are both home this morning. All 3 kids have a play they are going to this afternoon. The Edmonton Opera is doing Charlotte's Web. They have seen the movie so I hope they enjoy this. So mom and I have 2 and a half hours to go and have a late lunch and whatever. (I should stay home and clean the house but don't wanna lol).

Sure is nice having an adult here during the day. "Adult conversation" is wonderful. Jordan sat on her lap this morning and said " I love you mama" and gave her a big kiss it was too cute. (Tanya I just prof read my post I think I got all the mistakes!)

Monday, November 5, 2007

Monday Morning

Grrrr.. I just typed out a post then the computer went wonky. So here I go again. So the kids were so happy to see mom. Tyson knew I had to share the secret with him. He was upset that he couldn't help dad. And that dad was going out of town for the night.

The girls went and played in the snow for 10 minutes yesterday morning (8am). Took me 20 mins to get them ready to go out. But they loved it! Tyson was at the acreage with his other grandparents. They spent the night out there.

So we just are waiting for an inspection on the basement then it will be backfilled on Thursday morning and I think they start framing that same day. Oh this is so exciting. I just can't believe it is finally getting framed.

I tried to download pics but it still won't work. Jane could you email me how you do it. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Thanks. Well I need to go and shower my head is pounding. I really need to go for groceries today. I'm almost out of cereal can you believe that! Have a great day all!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

My Goodness I'm Sore

Ok just because it was my birthday yesterday doesn't mean I need to feel really old this morning. I raked leaves yesterday and moved stuff around in the backyard and helped take the trampoline down. Oh I am feeling it now. I can't believe how stiff and sore I am. And my neighbor gave me his "Toro" blower/picker upper so I used that as well. I said to him oh I get to use a man toy he gave me the Tim the toolman Taylor grunt and said he's Tim and I can be Timmy. I'm going to miss my neighbors! We have been so lucky here. Our neighbor hood has been wonderful.

So it is 8am and cement is being poured at this very moment. I so wanted to be there but I had to stay home. The girls are still in bed. Jordan was the energizer bunny last night. Did not go to sleep till 11:30 last night. And Mr. Tyson was up till 11pm. So he was up with dad this morning to go so he will be tired today.

And lets see in about 9 hours (whos counting) my mom will be here. Woo hoo. I wanted to tell the kids yesterday that she was coming, but I held back. It's going to be so nice having her here.

Yesterday my inlaws decided to take all of the outdoor stuff to the acreage before it snows. I told them to leave a few things so the kids have something to play with. I happened to look outside and there were a few things I specifically said leave here were on the truck. I banged on the window (only because it was stuck and I couldn't open it) I said no leave it here. And MIL says well I thought you were going to throw it out. (little tykes kitchen) I'm like no the kids need some toys here. We're not moving this weekend. Then I told her leave 2 lawn chairs here. And what do I see she's heading to the truck. I said hello I want two left here. Her reply "well I don't know when they will be moved then". I was pissed off I don't care leave them I yelled. My mom likes to sit down if the weather is nice outside with the kids. But then again they may not want to be outside playing....since there's nothing to play with! Chee whiz. I understand that the trampoline had to be taken down. We find you get better wear and tear if you take it down for the winter. And since they are calling for the white stuff on Sunday we figured we better do it now. Last year we got snow in the middle of October and it never left. So we still had all the kids toys out and the smaller trampoline never got taken apart. The plastic around the edges took a bit of a beating. So we wanted to be more careful with the bigger one.

It is so quiet at this moment its nice. I do plan on heading out to the acreage when the girls get up. I need to take pictures. Trev was suppose to take my digital but he forgot. Brother in law has one out there so hopefully they will remember to take pics for me. Oh I think I hear someone coming better go. Chow.

Friday, November 2, 2007

So It's My Birthday

Wow were did time go? I cannot believe it is Nov 2nd. So I am 41 today. (that is the 2nd time I have put those numbers together today) lol. But I posted on LP and got many birthday wishes which was very nice to see. (thanks Jane for the post and Wendy & Julie I got your email this morning) So that has made my day. No plans really, at least not till supper time. Probably go out.

Tomorrow is a big big day for us. Cement will be poured and I am so excited about that. Yes cement is exciting to this girl today! Sure hope that if we get the white stuff on Sunday its very very little and won't stick around. At least till we have the house framed. And tomorrow my mom flies in from Saskatoon. The kids still have no idea so it will be such a wonderful surprise for them! So life is good! Can't complain. So may all of you have a great day and I will try and post my pics again today or tomorrow. Chow for now.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

We Have a Basement!

Well yesterday I took the kids out to the acreage to check out the progress. And the walls for the basement and garage were all done. The cement is poured Saturday morning. I was so excited to see that it was already done. Trev hopes to start framing next week. Its just so amazing, "we" are building a house. (well Trev and his crew). But you know what I mean.

Wow its November can you believe that. Christmas is what 7 weeks away. I actually heard xmas music playing in Walmart today how sad is that. I will try again with the pictures, but tomorrow I'm tired.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It's Halloween!

And I am so tired. Madison was up for about 3 hours last night. Not sure what was up with her. So this morning was very slow moving till 8:10am and then it was a mad dash to get the kids ready for school.

So the guys got about half of the basement done. It was a slow moving day for them in the beginning since this is all new to them. But once they got the hang of it then it went a bit more smoothly. But the wind picked up in the afternoon. I was going to take the kids out to see Trev but I had errands to do for him and didn't get back in enough time to head out. So today right after school I think I will run them out there for a half hour or so. I need to take pictures as well.

Tonight we will take the kids around on our street then possibly to Millenium Place. We will see how it goes. Jordan and Tyson both woke up at 6am and wouldn't go back to bed. They will be tired tonight. Well Happy Halloween Everyone have a great day.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My 2nd Post

Well I tried to upload pictures but there is a problem. So for now I just tell you what is new. This morning the guys are putting the basement together. We are going with a system called "Logix". Its stryofoam blocks that you inter-lock together and then put cement in between. As soon as I am able to I will post a picture. Its suppose to be warmer and more energy efficient.

Got to run but I will try and add pictures later.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Welcome To My Blog!

Well this is totally new for me. But a good friend (Jane) suggested I do this to document our new venture. Building our new home. I will have to figure out how to put the pics up but I'll do that later.

This weekend we had cement poured for the fittings. Then Trev and his brother Rob will do some other prep work for next Saturday. Cement will be poured again. Then in about 2 weeks or less the basement will be done and next comes the framing of the house. The kids are so excited and love being out at the acreage. Right now we have alot of dirt piles which the kids have been climbing and sliding down. But I'm use to dirt!

I have been busy running around the city for Trev and picking up stuff for the house. I'm getting to know the West end very well. (and not by choice ha ha). But it will all be worth it in the end. I'm not complaining.

Well Jordan (my youngest) is wanting me to fix something. I love that sweet little girl, but I get nothing done in the mornings. She is definately mommies little girl. She will be so excited when she sees grandma B on Saturday. She is flying in for a visit from Saskatoon.

Chow for now.