Sunday, June 29, 2008

We are moving!!

Yes can you believe it. We have taken 3 loads and hopefully will finish tomorrow. So we will spend the first night in our new home as a family. I cannot tell you how long I have waited for this. All the stress, tears and frustration has finally paid off. The kids are so excited. I even did a happy dance the other day when the neighbor was outside. He laughed. I will miss our neighbors in this whole court. We were so lucky that we lived in such a great neighborhood. We will miss them, as they have told us that they will miss us as well.

Not sure what will do with our computer, like email and my blog. But we will leave it hooked up here for a lit bit. We don't need to be out of this place till the end of July. So I will have plenty of time to clean it. Thank goodness because I tell ya it is a mess right now.

Well I have more packing to do, mostly all of the bins in the laundry room. They are all of the kids clothes that they need to grow into. (my SIL sends me alot). But not going to pack all day. Such a gorgeous day we will go and do something with the kids. Got to have a family day since we haven't done one for a few weeks. Have a great day all!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

One Load Taken.....10 or more to go!

Ok maybe not 10 more. But hey we are off to a good start. One load was taken today (a pretty big load I might add) and I have been busy packing away. Between packing and referring the girls I didn't do to bad.

I have to say over the years we sure have collected ALOT of stuff. I can't believe how much we actually have. It really is insane. But I have been weeding out alot. Taking alot to goodwill.

Not sure to what day we will actually be there permanently but I don't care as of now. One day at a time.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Busy, busy, busy!!

Well we are moving....finally. Don't know the actual day as of yet. But we are very close. I have been so busy this week its been insane. Between the kids finishing school, and packing. Oh my goodness its been crazy. But I have to say that I have a very dear friend who has been a huge help to me the past few months, and especially the last few weeks. I am so grateful for all of her help with the girls. You know who you are.

Well duty calls again. The 4th child is calling husband. lol. I will keep you all up to date. Chow.....

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Last Night

So mom the kids and I were coming home last night from Ikea. At 9:20pm a truck in front of me pulling a large trailer was signaling to turn right. So I start to slow down. (we were on RR232 heading back to Sherwood Park) so we were doing about 70km. And the truck took his time ok fine. Then I see in my rear view mirror and my side mirror this idiot on a motorcycle come up very quickly to my back end then he pulls out on my right side to pass! Yes the right side where the big trailer is turning. My poor mom just about left her seat. I thought the guy was going to take out my side mirror. I slammed on the brakes (I wasn't going that fast thank goodness). Blew the horn and the guy swerved in front of the van then again to miss the red trailer. There is no way that he didn't see the huge red trailer in front of me. I don't know what he was trying to prove.

So I hit the gas and caught up to him and got the plate number just before he turned. Got home and called the RCMP and told the officer what happened. He told me to write up a complaint and fax it to him and he'd send someone out to write up a warning to the idiot. He asked if i wanted to lay charges and I said no but a warning would be fine. Hopefully the fool will never do that again. I can't imagine what would of happened if he would of hit the trailer. He would of gone flying. And the biggest part of this ordeal is that my kids were with me. I wouldn't want them to witness such a thing. I'm just so thankful I wasn't going any faster and that I actually saw him coming. It was awful. But the main thing is we are all ok. But I'm sure the guy driving the truck had no idea why I was blowing the horn. Probably thought I was giving him heck for turning so slow. Which I wasn't.

Friday, June 20, 2008


I am stressed, due to packing, whinny children, Trev's work, (or should I say my work since he's out of town....again I'm dealing with all the business stuff). And packing, I have company for a few days, (but that isn't very stressful). Trev will be home Sunday.

But mostly due to the office work stuff I'm dealing with right now. I'm still not 100% health wise yet. But better than last week.

Kids are done school next week, well 2 of them. One is already done. Oh and did I mention the phone ringing off the hook. But I can't leave it, I have to answer it. Grrrrrr. Ok I'm done gripping I'm going to have my tea and then we have to go to costco for my brother and my mom. (they are my company till Sunday.)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Kids

So here's some pics of Friday morning before Madison went to school. I bought the girls these dresses over a month ago and had them hidden for a special occasion. They are so cute I was pleased that they fit them so well. They love to twirl with their dresses. I don't have to buy them dresses since I get so many from my SIL but they are going through a stage where they like to match. (and its great when we are out....easier to spot in a crowd if need be). Anyways, I got them this dress and I love it on them. I love Childrens Place!

Madison's Kindergarden Grad

Well my little girl had here last day of school on Friday. They had a very sweet celebration. You should of seen all the parents and grandparents. It was very nice. The kids sang for us. Then were presented with a bag of goodies along with their report card saying they passed into grade one. I was so proud of here. She has come so far in the past few years. She was so happy and her one teacher told me that every morning Madisons smile is what started her day. "if the world could look through Madison's eyes what a joy that would be". that almost made me cry. I video taped most of the ceremony since Trevor was out of town and I was the only one there. It was very special. ps. the pics are a bit blurry. I had to have the camera set on sports but still didn't take very good ones. Oh well what can you do.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

June 13th....

Yesterday was the 13th of June. Two years ago yesterday my dad passed away. It is still hard some days. It doesn't feel that long. I still can't believe he's not here. It is hard just writing this. I'm kind of lost for words. I miss him alot, Tyson misses grampa. The girls will ask where he is. They were to young to understand. Well I really don't know what else to say.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Loving My Flowers

I planted my pots. I bought lots and lots of pansy's this year. Oh they are my favorite. I have more to plant. I will have to take pics this weekend. I plan on planting flowers at the acreage as well. There is a huge rock in front of our house and I want to keep it there and plant flowers around it.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Trenching everywhere

Remember to click on the picture and you will see it bigger. We have the front railing on in the front. And temporary ones one the back deck. We still have more trenching to do. For what you may ask, I don't know. lol A guy is suppose to come out do more digging and fixing. What fun. I plan on going this weekend to plant some flowers. I have already planted lots of pots. Oh I cannot wait to be in this house!!!

For the septic tank

Here is Tyson on Sunday. (click on the picture and you will see it full page). Tyson had a ball. He took his dump truck and shovel and wagon. The girls....well they sat in the van watching a movie. They thought it was too cold. Tyson and I have been picking rocks around the acreage for a rock garden. And for around the house. We have found some cool ones. I will have to take a pic this weekend.

Anyways, we have all this dirt, sand, gravel and straw is also to be delivered sometime. I guess they need all this to do layers in the ground for the septic tank/mound.

This Sucks!

My husband has been away for 11 days, and probably another 4 days or so. He won't know when he's able to come home till probably Friday. And I am sick. Not just a cold, no a touch of the flu. No throwing up but fever, body aches sore throat and ears. And to top that off I got my period.

I have like a million things to do. But no energy. Yesterday I slept for over 2 hours, then sat on the couch and sipped my tea. I have so much packing to do. But what can you do.

And the kids, they are really having a tough time with dad being away, They are all worried he won't be home for fathers day. Especially Tyson. In fact he said to me this week, "dad should just move to Peace River since he's there all the time" and this "mom you should just,,,,like find someone else,,,like another man". I just about fell over. I swear I have never said anything like that in my life so I don't know where he'd come up with that one. He's really having a tough time with dad being away. He's so attached to dad. Every night he sits by Trev, glued to him every chance he gets. Poor guy. I told Trev and he couldn't believe it. I wanted to tell Trev so that he could talk to Tyson about it.

Oh and my family was suppose to come next week to stay with us (in the new house) but they have cancelled since we aren't in yet. There is no way they all could stay here, no room at all. So I'm sad about that as well. boo hoo for me.
So here we are Wednesday. And this weather isn't helping either. Gloomy weather makes people gloomy. I need sunshine maybe that is what I need. Anyways, I just wanted to gripe. But I will add a pretty picture with my gripe. These are my pansies. I love them they are so gorgeous.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Our Day at the Farm

Every year the "Reach Class" goes to Mrs. White's farm. This is such a great day. We are there all day. The kids have a blast. We see the sheep (click on the picture and you might see the crocked neck). We have a barbeque, the kids play, and play and play. The day was beautiful. It was so much fun.

Daddy Tired

This is my dear husband. He was so tired he didn't notice that Jordan gave him her teddy bear. He slept like this for at least a half hour. When he woke he was confused to what was in his hand. I told him that his daughter gave it to him. He thanked her. It was so sweet. (This was a few weeks ago). And right now I'm sure he's even more tired. He's been working out of town for the last week and not sure if he will be home this weekend or not. I love how my husband works so hard for his family. He hates being away from the kids for this long. Oh how we miss him!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Another Update

Well we have running water....yes that is important. And this week we should be getting the gas meter put in. We are getting closer. Still haven't heard about the counter tops, I need to call them today. I am spending this week doing some major packing and some major cleaning. The basement (in the new house) needs to be cleaned out. There is tons of stuff that has to be moved to the garage. So I must find a day to do that.

Yesterday I moved the kids little table and chair set some odd big and bulky toys that were taking way too much room in this basement. (they have been demoted to "outside toys"). And some winter jackets that were still hanging. I needed the room in the living room to put boxes that I have packed (or will be packed this week). Everything has been going to the basement,,,,,and I'm out of room. (doesn't help with the mother in laws crap) (another story).

Anyways, we will be in our house very soon. Oh I can't be continued.......