Thursday, January 31, 2008

Am I Bragging?

So yesterday I told Trev about my post about our tub and the reply's I got. He said to me "you are bragging". I said no I'm just sharing on my blog pics of the house and the stages we are at. Then I started to think, am I bragging? I don't mean to I just want to show everyone the house and what it is like. So if you do think that I am bragging, please don't think that because that is not what this blog is about. I know that I'm very lucky having such a beautiful home being built. And I don't want to come off as being a snob or whatever.

Anyways, I just wanted to let you know. I'm hoping to go out later today to take more pics because I believe drywall could be going up tomorrow, if not then Monday. This weather sure has put us behind a bit. Oh well I can wait. Have a good everyone.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My Poor Aching/Tired Body

Well I can barely keep my eyes open but I need to do something productive since I have to leave here in a half hour to pick up Madison from school. I drove her and Tyson this morning since the buses aren't running again today. And the vice principle called yesterday and ask for Madison to be there. She needs to be assessed for next year. She is in kindergarten this year but they aren't sure if she is able to go into a normal grade one class next year or not. And the assessment was being done today so no choice. I have been sending Tyson all week because he'd drive me crazy at home. He'd be way to bored and it wouldn't matter what I would try and get him to do. So to keep my sanity he's been going to school.

So the last few nights I have been at the acreage working. Sweeping floors and shoveling the extra insulation into boxes. What a crappy job. My body aches in places I never knew I had. And the cold oh my goodness has been horrible. (I could never work construction).

Anyways, the insulation is blown into the wall cavities, most walls have the poly on, they will finish that today. Central vac will be in place today, shower/tub has been put together (oooohhhh thats exciting) I forgot my camera yesterday grrr. The rest of the house has to be swept more and vacuumed then the drywallers come tomorrow I think. They were suppose to be doing that yesterday I think but we had a few delays. So if the dry wall is done this week then the tapers will be there next week.

Not sure if I'm going out again today. We will see. But I'm hoping to maybe catch a power snooze this afternoon, Madison was up again last night 3:30-5ish I think. Then I was up at 7ish. You'd think with the lack of sleep she's had this week she'd be exhausted.....not! Well I gotta get ready to pick her up. Chow for now.

lol oh Jane!

I love you comment you are funny. And if you happen to sneak away for a few minutes I probably might not notice but if Lloyd calls a few hours later wondering where you are we may have to worry and break down the door. lol Yes I'm very lucky, Trev picked this tub out at the homeshow last year. (It was actually an amazing price because of the home show) It is amazing isn't it. Oh yeh it has a radio I believe and a phone!!! (handsfree of course).

And Mel send me a resume for the house sitting job. I'll need some references. tee hee hee. (notice the time? I'm up with Madison....again. Been up for an hour, it is now 4:32am)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I can't wait!

This is our jacuzzi tub/steam shower/body massager/relaxer....and so on. I can not wait to have a bath in this tub. It will be amazing and I may never want to get out!

This was last week

So here you can see the roof is all shingled. It was a tough one to do because it was so steep, but the guys managed.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The time is 6:45 and it is -41

Yes it is! And I just got in from shoveling for the past half hour. I'm an idiot! If I'd known it was "that frigin cold" I'd never would of bothered. What is wrong with me!

Anyways, I am so sore and stiff I will be lucky if I can get out of bed tomorrow. I will post more later.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Been a long week!

It's been a not so good week. I have been having migraines off and on all week. But here's the weird part my face hurts. So haven't gotten as much done this week as I would of like to. I did move a few things around in the kids play area (which will be turned into the storage area as I pack). Did pack a few things, organized a few things as well. It will be better once mom gets here. She is one to kick me into high gear.

Still feeling blue this week. Other than going out to do an errand or two I haven't had any "me" time and it sure is hard. Trev is so busy (and I don't blame him). It will be so nice to have mom here, "adult conversation" is such a wonderful thing for me. The girls are getting along better, but they always have a breaking point and then fight non stop. I moved Madisons bedroom around so there is more room for them to play and put the small tv in the room. It actually has worked out well.

Then the weather is suppose to get worse after tomorrow, great just what we need, more snow. And very cold.

Well I'm heading out to the acreage this morning, I have been told that something has been done and I have to come and see. And everyone will be insulating today. It was suppose to be done last weekend, but something was missing or forgotten. Anyways I will be going out to help. Trev left here at 7:30am with Tyson but they had to go to Totem first. And here I sit still in my pj's. So I best be going. I will post pics hopefully tomorrow. Oh I am so excited. After insulation is done then drywall is next!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Update on our home

Well last week was a very busy week for Trev. (and the other guys). The garage floor was poured on Wednesday. Then the basement was poured Thursday. So my dear husband wasn't home till after 2am.

The electrician is done. The insulation was picked up on Friday, but something was missing so they couldn't work on that this weekend. So it will be worked on maybe this week and on the weekend.

I was out yesterday and it still is so amazing. And the steam shower/jacuzzi tub was taken out of the boxes and ohhhhhh I can't wait to have a bath in that tub. It is so cool. (and way bigger than what we have).

The horses are good, they all came to say hi when I went out to see them. Just before we left Tyson gave them some carrots for a treat. Well that is about it for now. Oh my mom is booked to fly here Feb 6th to come and help me pack. The kids don't know I wont tell them till the day we pick her up. They love being surprised that way. My goal is to go through the kids toys and weed through. (this was my goal last week, yeh didn't get it done). I've been in a slump this month. Have a hard time getting motivated. I find January is my toughest month. Don't know why, probably because the coldness and coming off the christmas high I guess. But I got to get into the motions. Someone needs to give me a boot! Yes a boot! Chow for now.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Yes here I sit waiting for Ms. Madison to finish her cheeze whiz sandwich. She woke up a half hour ago and said she was hungry. So our garage floor was poured yesterday, and the basement is being poured tomorrow, or should I say today. Thursday afternoon. Woo hoo! Oh I'm very sleepy, lets hope she is too. I will go now and hopefully get to go back to bed. "yawn" nighty night all".

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Smiles Every where!

I did this for the kids they thought it was cool. I actually put a smily face every where. Its something my dad use to do around the house and his job sites. Just wanted to have a little piece of dad around the house.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thats it for now

Well I was going to post more pics but the computer is really really slow and not uploading my pictures very quickly. So I will try later. Maybe the "blogger" is just busy with other people. Later

Princess Tiger

She lays around the house like this. She is too funny. I love her so much but she's getting aggressive with the kids (and me at times). She will have to become an outdoor cat when we move. And it doesn't help that she refuses to go outside. She loves the summer, but not the winter.

We Have Windows and Doors!

This is the house just before new years. It is all papered. (not sure of the technical term is) And as you can see all the windows are in as well as the doors. Just having that done it makes me all happy happy happy. lol We need the garage to stay warm so the ground doesn't freeze. The cement should be poured in another week or so. We rented a huge propane tank and have propane heaters in the house for the workers. (otherwise they'd freeze their buns off) I can't wait to use our back deck. It will be so nice in the summer. Because we are so close to the lake we will probably have to screen it in because of the mosquitos. We will wait and see.

The Upstairs

This is the upstairs. The little room with the arch way.....should hopefully be "my" room. We have a huge family room upstairs for the kids.

Jordan Gave Herself a Haircut

This happened last month, but I thought I would share the pictures. When Jordan came to me with her piece of hair, I swear I almost had a heart attack. It looked worse that it was (thank goodness).
But when ever she sees a pair of scissors she gets this look in her eyes, I'm afraid one day she will do more cutting. Little stinker.

Pictures anyone?

I got an email from my sister asking where some pictures are of the house. Well I finally found my charger for my digital camera and so I have pictures from before xmas. So this is the house 3 weeks ago. I had a problem last night with downloading. It didn't complete all the pictures. But for now I will show you a few of the progress we are having.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Oh Cherrios addict

Hey Mel, can you email me. Do you still have my email address? I erased yours opps.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Monday Morning

Yes it is Monday morning and all is quiet here. Tyson and Madison are both at school, and I have to say I did a little happy dance this morning. I love my kids, but I was so ready for them to go back. Madison will be home at lunch and then Jordan goes for the afternoon. I think we are all healthy now. We all still have a little cough but other than that I think things are good.

Tyson was getting bored. I didn't get to do a lot with the kids last week, since I was sick. So that really sucked.

I think the kids have early dismissal on Wednesday so I told Tyson we would go out to see dad and the house then. (he asked me yesterday if we could go out everyday after school) lol. I said not every day, but we would try and go once a week. I do need to take more pics and yes I need to post some latest ones. I will try and do that Wednesday.

Our Weekend

Well the weekend is over. Trev and I went to Royal Pizza Friday night. Nothing fancy, just wanted to go somewhere that had good pizza and I love their pizza! After we ate we went to Home Depot. We looked into floor heating for the master bath. Since we are having tiles through out the house that is the only room that must have the heated floor. It is expensive to do, but I really want it in the bathroom.

So we came home and watched some tv. The kids got home just before 10. (they were out with grandma and grandpa).

I woke up Saturday morning with a horrible sinus headache. I just couldn't get rid of it. The girls were home with me and Tyson was out at the acreage with Trev. I asked the girls if they wanted to go out but they wanted to stay home. They were playing with their dolls.

Saturday night Trev and I watched a movie, We Are Marshall. What an amazing story. Based on a true tragedy, a small town loses the entire football team and coaches in a plane crash. If you haven't seen it I would suggest you do. It really was a great show. (sad but very inspiring).

Yesterday the kids all went to the movie Chipmunks. A very good friend (who use to babysit the kids last year) took them with her husband and their little guy. It was the kids xmas present from Amber and Saul. So the kids had a great time. I dropped them off at 2 at the theatre and picked them up just after 4. I went to Costco, desperately needed some groceries from there. Trev met me there. So it was nice to just walk around and see all the beautiful furniture they have in right now.

So that was my weekend.

Friday, January 4, 2008

11 Years Ago

I married the man that I love. (and I still love him very much). I have to add that because I know that some married couples are not happy and still love their spouse. But I'm proud to say that I am still in love with my husband. And I will give you some reasons why. He is a devoted husband and father. He works so hard to support his family. (too hard if you ask me) He puts up with my "moods". (thats a biggy). lol I could go on and on.

So today he's working hard on getting our roof done. I went out yesterday and wow the house looks amazing. I walked through showing a friend and I still can't believe this will be our home very soon.

We will probably go out for supper. But we need to go and get some stuff for the master bath. I want floor heating since we have tiles. I insisted in the master bath we had to have this. We are having slate through out the main floor but we won't do that area, too expensive.

Today is Friday, thank goodness! The kids have been home all week and are beyond bored. But I haven't been able to do much because I was sick all week. I had planned on going out and doing a few things with them. But I did take them to MacDonalds yesterday, that made them happy. My mom gave me a gift card from there which was nice.

I'm feeling a bit better today so lets hope I am getting healthy again. Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

When Will It End....

I am sick, still, I think I had a few days between christmas day and the 28th that I felt much better. But since last night I have been so stuffed up. My cough can get so annoying. My head feels like someone blew into it and I want to float. I spent most of the morning on the couch trying to rest. Yeah that didn't go so great. All 3 kids are bored (yes already). So they are fighting a little more, don't want to go outside without me.

Trev always says throw them outside. He has no idea how long it take to dress (or help dress) 3 kids to go out and play in the snow. It takes almost 20 minutes, and Madison only stays out for maybe 10 minutes. I planned on going out today with them but I feel so crappy. Didn't sleep well last night and then Trev woke me up at 6am. (something he needed for work)

Ok maybe I should of labeled this post "pity party". Sorry I don't mean to be so negative. I'm just sick of being sick! Our anniversary is on Friday and I would love to be healthy for that night. (hopefully we will go out for supper). Would you believe I had bronchitis when I got married 11 years ago. I was really sick the morning I woke up for my wedding day. But I managed to get through the vows without coughing up a lung. But the day after I was even sicker. And it seems alot of times during this season I get something. I knew I was getting run down this year but with all the family in from Denver wasn't alot I could do, I had to be out at the acreage with family.

Anyways, I am waiting for Trev to get home and I am hoping I can crawl into bed for a nap. I think I will call him now and see what his ETA is on getting home. They are working on the shingles again today. Its a big, steep roof so taking longer for them to do it. Ok I'm done venting. chow

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Years Day

Well I'm home with the girls. Tyson is at the acreage with dad gramma and grampa. Trev and his brother are working on the shingles. The electrician is out there working as well. I'm staying home for a few reasons, one I'm feeling like crap again. My cold is coming back. Two my MIL is out there and she stresses out so much when the guys are working on the roof it drives me insane! She goes on and on and on about how steep the roof is and how dangerous it is. OMG just relax woman. I can't handle being around her when she's like that.

Trev is now 40, but it doesn't phase him. We bought him some dvds and his favorite smoked sausage. (what do you get a guy that has everything he needs)? I wanted to go to the Harley Store and get something for him but they are closed over the holidays. Oh well he was happy with what he got. The kids decorated for him and his mom made a cake. He was happy.

So New Years Eve was a nice quiet one. Trev and I got to relax and watch a movie, then poor Jordan was coughing so much she threw up so she ended up on the couch with me for awhile. She finally feel asleep after midnight. We turned the channel just in time for the count down. Trev and I are both sick with a cold and he got a cold sore in the morning (and I'm just getting rid of 5) so we blew a kiss to each other.

I have medicine head right now and so want to take a nap. But not going to happen cause the girls would just end up fighting. Can't wait till they are old enough to know better, or am I just wishing ha ha.

The house is coming along I need to download my pics, maybe later today. I can't believe its January 1st. We are looking at moving at the end of this month or beginning of February. OMG I don't believe it. I need to start packing soon. The basement is where I need to start. (the kids play area). Now that xmas and new years are over I really need to get my butt in gear. I will put the tree away tonight or tomorrow night after the kids go to bed. Easier that way.

Ok off to make some more tea.