Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It's Halloween!

And I am so tired. Madison was up for about 3 hours last night. Not sure what was up with her. So this morning was very slow moving till 8:10am and then it was a mad dash to get the kids ready for school.

So the guys got about half of the basement done. It was a slow moving day for them in the beginning since this is all new to them. But once they got the hang of it then it went a bit more smoothly. But the wind picked up in the afternoon. I was going to take the kids out to see Trev but I had errands to do for him and didn't get back in enough time to head out. So today right after school I think I will run them out there for a half hour or so. I need to take pictures as well.

Tonight we will take the kids around on our street then possibly to Millenium Place. We will see how it goes. Jordan and Tyson both woke up at 6am and wouldn't go back to bed. They will be tired tonight. Well Happy Halloween Everyone have a great day.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My 2nd Post

Well I tried to upload pictures but there is a problem. So for now I just tell you what is new. This morning the guys are putting the basement together. We are going with a system called "Logix". Its stryofoam blocks that you inter-lock together and then put cement in between. As soon as I am able to I will post a picture. Its suppose to be warmer and more energy efficient.

Got to run but I will try and add pictures later.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Welcome To My Blog!

Well this is totally new for me. But a good friend (Jane) suggested I do this to document our new venture. Building our new home. I will have to figure out how to put the pics up but I'll do that later.

This weekend we had cement poured for the fittings. Then Trev and his brother Rob will do some other prep work for next Saturday. Cement will be poured again. Then in about 2 weeks or less the basement will be done and next comes the framing of the house. The kids are so excited and love being out at the acreage. Right now we have alot of dirt piles which the kids have been climbing and sliding down. But I'm use to dirt!

I have been busy running around the city for Trev and picking up stuff for the house. I'm getting to know the West end very well. (and not by choice ha ha). But it will all be worth it in the end. I'm not complaining.

Well Jordan (my youngest) is wanting me to fix something. I love that sweet little girl, but I get nothing done in the mornings. She is definately mommies little girl. She will be so excited when she sees grandma B on Saturday. She is flying in for a visit from Saskatoon.

Chow for now.